The Neon Demon 2016 Online Stream
The Neon Demon-online stream-2016-M4V-Dolby Digital-untertitel-ganzer film-Blu-ray-ganzer film-Blu-ray-uncut-AVCHD-blu ray.jpg
The Neon Demon 2016 | |
Geltungsdauer | 114 Besprechungsprotokoll |
Abgabe | 2016-06-08 |
GĂŒte | Sonics-DDP 720p DVDrip |
Genre | Thriller, Horror, Mystery |
Sprache | English |
castname | Burel T. Coby, Hanah P. Maia, Hayal Y. Nodier |
The Neon Demon 2016 The Neon Demon ganzer film deutsch, The Neon Demon online stream - Ganzer film, The Neon Demon ganzer film online stream - Deutsch
WhatâŠdid IâŠ.just watch?
Not for the uninitiated or those with weak stomachs, everyoneâs favorite polarizing surrealist director Nicolas Winding Refn is back with the lurid, gory, sadistic, and horrifyingly beautiful âThe Neon Demon.â This film makes a bold statement about the shallowness of Hollywood and the fashion industry in the most violent, brutal, bloody and disturbing way possible.
The filmâs strength is in its breathtaking visuals. Refn once again establishes himself as a true auteur at the top of the visionary food chain. Even if you are one of the many who see him as pompous and pretentious, thereâs no denying that few have quite the mastery of the craft of the visual arts as he does. This film belongs in a modern art museum.
It doesnât matter that thereâs not much of a plot: teenage ingĂ©nue Jesse (Elle Fanning) moves to Los Angeles to chase her dreams of becoming a model. She soon finds herself living in a sketchy motel with lecherous landlord Hank (Keanu Reeves) and surrounded by the seductive Ruby (Jena Malone), Gigi (Bella Heathcote) and Sarah (Abbey Lee), a pack of shallow, jealous, beauty-obsessed women. Itâs hard to evaluate the performances since most consist of nothing more than striking and holding a pose or staring longingly into a mirror, but I do think that Reeves has one of the greatest (if small) roles of his career.
Thereâs no escaping the true debate this movie presents: is this a shrewd feminist manifesto or is it grossly misogynistic? Itâs taken me three days to reflect on this and Iâve decided that it sways towards the former rather than the latter.
First, the film celebrates the female form; the women in the film are beautiful set dressings, designed to be admired (and not treated solely as sexual objects). Yes, the women are one-dimensional but at the same time, that works as a harsh criticism of the narcissism thatâs so prevalent in the fashion industry. Refn also artfully expresses the malice that is sometimes deeply hidden in the female psyche. The film is insightful too: women have a dark side and sometimes we do feel like we are in a girl-eat-girl world (a phrase that the film takes a bit too literally).
Refnâs hypnotic signature is all over this stylish, elegantly violent film. Cinematographer Natasha Braier adds a disturbing hallucinatory effect while Cliff Martinez lends a thumping, ear-splitting, ominous score that reflects the overall atmosphere of insanity.
As with the directorâs other films (âDrive,â âOnly God Forgivesâ), there are plenty of scenarios that seem to be present with the sole intent to shock, offend or disgust. (Do we really need an extended scene of lesbian necrophilia? I guess you can argue the point, but the scene goes on a bit too long to make it seem relevant to the plot or characters). The extreme last act feels more like a pointless gross-out than a thoughtful commentary think piece. I think this is a good place to mention that this film is a very, very hard âRâ rating; I am surprised itâs not NC-17.
âThe Neon Demonâ isnât your run-of-the-mill art house film; itâs so far beyond the art house that itâs in another dimension.
A teenage runaway from Sandusky, Ohio steps off a bus into the glittering lights of Hollywood. All of her friends back home tell her that sheâs destined to be a star, and she believes them. But Hollywood does not bestow fame and fortune without a price. First it will take her innocence, then it will take all that remains.
So is the story of âThe Neon Demon,â the new film by auteur Nicolas Winding Refn (âDrive,â âOnly God Forgivesâ). Elle Fanning is Jesse, the underage runaway that has been lured to Los Angeles by the whispered promises of becoming a famous model. She meets up with another innocent who was been lured to the city: photographer Dean (Karl Glusman), whose attempts at emulating the art he sees in Hollywood through pictures are met with sneering ridicule as âamateurish.â Dean hasnât sold his soul, and those who have have nothing but contempt for him.
Jesse, on the other hand, makes the bargain readily: after being paraded before harshly appraising eyes and being judged a piece of meat worthy of notice, she willingly trades her virtue for empty glamour and attention. After having reborn on the runway, Jesse quickly learns that she has still not given enough: people continue to want more from her, and what they want she isnât willing to give.
âThe Neon Demonâ is not for everyone. Itâs not even for most. Even if you enjoyed âDrive,â you may find yourself frustrated and your patience tried by this movie. There is much to appreciate, but you will be challenged in doing so. In this film, Winding Refn has made an art piece that must be assessed, considered, and deconstructed. Those who are literal-minded will likely find their patience tried: the story isnât about whatâs happening on the surface, itâs about whatâs happening underneath. You must watch, listen, and observe carefully.
One additional word of warning: âThe Neon Demonâ is highly disturbing and will upset many casual viewers. Apart from its gore and physical violence, the film pushes boundaries HARD. Terrible things are either shown or implied. I canât for the life of me understand why the studio and theater chains thought that this was an appropriate film to release in nearly 800 theaters nationwide. One can imagine that of the few audience members who didnât walk out during the first 20 minutes ran for the exits at its offscreen implication of child abuse.
If youâre still reading this review and havenât been dissuaded yet, I recommend that you see this movie. Itâs one of the most interesting discussion pieces in recent memory and itâs not one that I will soon forget.
I don't really foresee _The Neon Demon_ becoming my personal all time favourite film, but from a purely aesthetics point of view, it might just be the best movie I've ever seen.
_Final rating:â â â â Âœ - An all round great movie and a whole lot more._
**It's not anymore a competitive world, but jealousy!**
It started off very well and in the half mark, it completely lost. In the initial part, it looked like a normal film and then I think even the writer does not know what could happen, they just improvised with whatever they had. Writing was totally messed up. When they had the great characters, it becomes nothing in the end. I'm not a fan of this director, and all his films are average, but this one is the worst among them.
I'm not an art film hater, though I hate wasting scenes without any developments and this one had many like them. If you trim them all out, the overall film is around 45 minutes. The rest of the film was just music, colourful lights, and sometimes totally idle, which definitely drag the viewers to the boredom.
Whenever there was a scene with the story, like dialogues and developments, I thought it was going well. But then those useless, dialogueless segments turned me off. Especially the conclusion was absolutely crap. Elle was good, like a character made for her. Keanu Reeve was useless, his addition was just a marketing strategy that did not click.
This is the story of a teen girl aspiring to be a model, but surrounded by the jealousy people because of her fast growth. How it all goes between them and in the fashion world is what the film talks. The film is watchable, but mostly the second half onwards it gets boring. In the end, I don't think anyone would be satisfied completely with their watch, maybe very, very few, but if you consider the majority, this does not deserve to be suggested.
Awesome up til the climax. Goes from a guts-deep analysis of 1) narcissism and its development, 2) the horrors of fashion culture to a by-the-numbers "wow figure out the mystery wow" thriller. Turn it off when there's 30 minutes left and it'll be your film of the year
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